D&D is a role-playing game consisting of multiple player characters and a Dungeon Master (DM) who collaborate to achieve a set of goals beneficial to the players. The DM, the narrator and host of the game, has an innate motivation to guide the players to perform a series of actions that roughly follow a predevised storyline culminating in a global goal, all grounded in a shared fantasy world. The players must somewhat: (1) keep their character’s personas consistent while acting; (2) keep track of relationships between characters that will affect their interactions; and (3) follow and logically advance the plot of the story.
I Cast Detect Thoughts: Learning to Converse and Guide with Intents and Theory-of-Mind in Dungeons and Dragons
Pei Zhou, Andrew Zhu, Jennifer Hu, Jay Pujara, Xiang Ren, Chris Callison-Burch, Yejin Choi, and Prithviraj Ammanabrolu
In Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2023